- Title
- Minhyeok Lee, Suhwan Cho (Prof. Lee’s team)’s 2 paper have been accepted in AAAI (Artificial Intelligence Ranking 4)
- Date
- 2025.01.20
- Writer
- 전기전자공학부
- 게시글 내용
Prof. Lee’s papers, “Video Diffusion Models are Strong Video Inpainter”, “Elevating Flow-Guided Video Inpainting with Reference Generation” are to be published in The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), one of the most highly-ranked conference in Artificial Intelligence field (Rank 4).
These works were led by Minhyeok Lee (M.S/Ph.D 8th), Suhwan Cho (M.S/Ph.D 10th) as the first authors and Prof. Sangyoun Lee as the corresponding author.
- Attachments
- 이상윤.jpg