- Title
- Doyoon Eom, Seyoung Yook (Prof. Lee’s team) received an award at the 2024 IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest.
- Date
- 2025.01.20
- Writer
- 전기전자공학부
- 게시글 내용
Doyoon Eom and Seyoung Yook from Professor Myung-Jae Lee’s research team presented their work at the Semiconductor Devices and Processing session of the 2024 IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest. Their respective presentations, titled "Enhancement of Back-Illuminated Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes With an Optimized Diffraction Pattern" and "Doping-Optimized Single-Photon Avalanche Diode for Positron Emission Tomography Application," earned them the Silver Award and Bronze Award.
- Attachments
- 이명재2.jpg