- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s Research Team Publishes a Paper on Journal of Materials Chemistry C (IF: 5.256)
- ※Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s research team developed simple fabrication process of high-k gate insulator at low temperature. The thermal process for precursor solution used in this study assists film formation at low temperature. Thus, it is expected to be applied to flexible electronics widely. ※This research was guided by Prof. Hyun Jae Kim (contact author) and led by graduate student Jusung Chung (first author).
- 전기전자공학부 2018.05.02
- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s Research Team Published a Paper on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF = 7.5)
- ※Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s research team reported oxide semiconductor based phototransistor for detection of visible light region on Journal of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Hybrid phototransistors suggested in this research are composed of perovskite and oxide semiconductor. They exhibit a fast transient time under light illumination and a high photo-responsibility. Such properties of hybrid phototransistor can be expected to use next-generation optoelectronic device. ※This research was guided by Prof. Hyun Jae Kim (contact author) and led by graduate student Young Jun Tak (first author).
- 전기전자공학부 2018.05.02
- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s Research Team Published a Paper on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF = 7.5)
- ※Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s research team reported low-temperature activation of oxide thin-film transistors using magnetic field on Journal of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. In this study, oxide thin-film transistors with superior electrical characteristics and mechanical reliability at 150oC were fabricated by applying rotating magnetic field and heat treatment at the same time. This study is expected to be highly applicable to flexible displays requiring low temperature process. ※This research was guided by Prof. Hyun Jae Kim (contact author) and led by graduate student Jeong Woo Park (first author).
- 전기전자공학부 2018.05.02
- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim received the Order of Science and Technology Merit (Jinbo Medal)
- ※Prof. Hyun Jae Kim from Electrical and Electronic Engineering department received the Order of Science and Technology Merit (Jinbo Medal) from the Ministry of Science and ITC. ※Prof. Hyun Jae Kim received the Merit for his contribution to the development and commercialization of core technologies for flat panel display (LED, OLED) backplanes.
- 전기전자공학부 2018.05.02
- Prof. Song, William J. and Prof. Ro, Won Woo Receive A Grant from Samsung Research Funding
- Prof. Song, William J. and Prof. Ro, Won Woo receive a KR\1.6M (~US$1.5M) grant from Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center for Future Technology for their research titled "FleXynapse: A Programmable Deep Learning Hardware Solution." The project develops a power-efficient, highly programmable neural network acceleration hardware, which will break through challenges in contemporary computing systems. The research spans up to four years, starting from June 2018. Prof. Kung, Jaeha from DGIST will collaborate as a team.
- 전기전자공학부 2018.05.02
- Power IT Lab., Research about Event Location in Power System was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
- ※PMU (Phasor Measurement Unit) based real-time event localization technique for wide-area power system was accepted by international journal ``IEEE Transactions on Power Systems”. (I.F.: 5.680, Rank: 16/262, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Q1) ※Prof. Yong-June Shin (Corresponding Author) and Do-In Kim (First Author), Yonsei University, led this research, and Austin White, OG&E (Oklahoma Gas & Electric), U.S., participated.
- 전기전자공학부 2018.05.02
- Prof. Ahn’s Research Team Published 2D-based Transient Sensor on Nature Communications
- ※ Prof. Ahn’s Research Team published 2D material(MoS2) based bio-electronics which could be dissoloved in bio-solution(PBS) on international journal Nature Communications. ※ This work is leaded by Yonsei Univ. Prof. Jong-Hyun Ahn, Dr. Chen Xiang, Ph.D candidate Yongju Park and Minpyo Kang, collaborated with Northwestern Univ, Washington Univ. and Korea Univ.
- 전기전자공학부 2018.04.24
- Prof. Dosik Hwang’s group has developed A.I. KIKI-net for MRI reconstruction.
- ※ Prof. Dosik Hwang’s group has developed A.I. KIKI-net for MRI reconstruction. The group has found that the effect of reconstructing MRI images on Cross-Domain was improved, compared to the image reconstruction on Single Domain. ※ The resulting paper is accepted for publication in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, an authoritative journal in the field of MRI. This work was done by professor Dosik Hwang, Yonsei University (corresponding author) and Ph.D Taejoon Eo (first author).
- 전기전자공학부 2018.04.24
- Professor Dosik Hwang’s team has developed quality evaluation of no-reference magnetic resonance images
- ※ Professor Dosik Hwang’s team has developed quality evaluation of no-reference magnetic resonance images using multidirectional filters and image statistics. The proposed method was designed to consider MR-specific features and outperformed other no-reference IQAs designed mainly for photographic images. ※ The resulting paper is accepted for publication in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, an authoritative journal in the field of MRI. This work was done by professor Dosik Hwang, Yonsei University (corresponding author) and Ph.D Jinseong Jang (first author).
- 전기전자공학부 2018.04.24
- BPEL members selected as participants in the GYSS 2018 and the HOPE Meeting 2018
- ※ Ph.D course students of the BPEL (Supervising Professor : Donghyun Kim), Taehwang Son and Hongki Lee were invited to GYSS 2018 and HOPE Meeting 2018, respectively. ※ The Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) was held from January 21 to 26, 2018, with the support of Korean and Singaporean government. The HOPE Meeting was held from March 11 to 15, 2018, with the support of the NRF of Korea and the JSPS of Japan. ※ Hongki Lee received the Unique Team Presentation Award during the HOPE Meeting.
- 전기전자공학부 2018.04.16