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[대학원] 2021학년도 2학기 '사물인터넷(IoT)보안' 대학원생 조교 모집
게시글 내용

전기전자공학부 2021-2학기 '사물인터넷(IoT)보안' 대학원생 조교 모집

- 대상: 사물인터넷 (IoT) / 사이버물리시스템 (CPS) / 센싱시스템 / 보안에 흥미가 많은 대학원생 

- 지원기간: 요청기간 혹은 ASAP

- 지원방법: 이메일 (한준 교수: jun.han@yonsei.ac.kr)

- 수업 개요: 
In this course, we will investigate how such sensing systems in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) affect the notion of computer security. We will also get some exposure to the state-of-the-art research in the areas of sensing systems and how they can provide benefits to the IoT. Furthermore, this course will also investigate how an attacker may compromise the sensing information to exploit security vulnerabilities in these systems. Students will be evaluated by a midterm and a semester-long team project, and will present the final deliverables as presentations.