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[초청세미나][4/28] MangoBoost: Academic Researcher's Road to the World-Leading Startup
게시글 내용

아래와 같이 초청세미나를 개최하오니 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.


가. 일  시 : 2023. 4. 28.(금) 오후 1시

나. 장  소 : 연세대학교 2공학관 B039호

다. 제  목 : MangoBoost: Academic Researcher's Road to the World-Leading Startup

라. 연  사 : 김장우(망고부스트 대표/서울대학교 교수)

마. 내  용 : 

Modern high-performance computer systems (e.g., datacenters,

supercomputers) are deploying an increasing number of high-performance
devices (e.g., GPU, SSD, NPU, NIC) per server to maximize the target
application’s overall performance, while minimizing the system’s total
cost of operation. To achieve the goal, the next-generation
datacenters aim to deploy a newly-designed data processing unit (DPU)
(a.k.a., IPU, xPU, smart-Xdevice) which is specially designed to
orchestrate various devices in the most efficient way. In this talk, I
will first introduce key challenges in developing the next-generation
servers. Next, I will explain what ideal DPUs should look like and how
they should perform. Finally, I will present how the state-of-the-art
DPUs provided by MangoBoost can achieve the design goals.

Jangwoo Kim is a full professor in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at Seoul National University. His research
interests include computer architecture, system software, and
full-system development. He is also the CEO and founder of MangoBoost,
a startup company located in Korea and US which develops the
next-generation DPU software/hardware solutions. He earned his PhD
degree in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and
his BS degree in Electrical Engineering and MEng degree in Computer
Science from Cornell University. Prior to his academic career, he
worked as a CPU/system architect at Sun Microsystems and Oracle to
develop UltraSPARC T4 CPUs and servers.
