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Research & Laboratory

세미나 [02/22] Energy-Efficient Mobile Crowd Sensing and Analytics: Existing Research and Future Opportunities
게시글 내용

< BK21 플러스 BEST 정보기술 사업단 세미나 개최 안내 >


개최일시 : 2017 02 22일 수요일 11:00 ~ 12:00

개최장소 : 공학원 379C

세미나 제목 : Energy-Efficient Mobile Crowd Sensing and Analytics: Existing Research and Future Opportunities

발표초록 : By using increasingly popular smart devices (e.g., smartphones, ipads, iWatch, etc.), mobile crowd sensing systems can help collect comprehensive sensory data to retrieve contextual information for different applications. However, such systems face huge technical challenges from optimal task assignment, participant selection, energy efficiency, incentive allocation, dynamic data pricing and privacy preservation. In this talk, I will start from the background and applications of mobile crowd sensing systems, to introduce the ongoing research efforts of energy-efficient participant selection, task assignment, and with the application to distributed event detection. Then, I will move to how to store, analyze and mine the valuable information collected from the crowdsourced data. Finally, future research opportunities on data crowdsourcing, data market, and robots-aided mobile crowd sensing are given.


강연자 Professor Chi (Harold) Liu / Beijing Institute of Technology, China

초청자 전기전자공학과 교수 정종문