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Research & Laboratory

[BK][7/7] Silicon photonics -Integration process
게시글 내용
Y-BASE 지능정보교육연구사업단 최우영 교수님께서 아래와 같이 초청세미나를 개최하오니, 많은 참석을 부탁드립니다.

◎ 일시 : 2023년 7월 7(금) 오후 4시

◎ 장소 : 연세대학교 제3공학관 C716호

◎ 제목 : Silicon photonics -Integration process

◎ 연사 : Prof. 김영현 / 한양대학교 에리카 과학기술융합대학

◎ 초청 : 전기전자공학과 최우영 교수

◎ 내용 :  Silicon photonics has been gaining traction in optical communication, where it is used to develop high-speed and energy-efficient transceivers and switches for data centers and high-performance computers. This seminar will focus on the integration process of a Silicon photonics chip for optical communication. Attendees will learn about the background of Silicon photonics, the main building blocks in a Silicon photonics platform, and an in-depth understanding of the Silicon photonics integration process. The course will also include discussions on status, future trends, and challenges.