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Research & Laboratory

세미나 [07/07] Optical Fiber Based Refractive Index Sensors for Gas Sensing and CO2 Leakage Detection
게시글 내용
< BK21 플러스 BEST 정보기술 사업단 세미나 개최 안내 >

- 개최일시 : 2017 07 07 금요일 16:00 ~ 17:00 

- 개최장소 : 2공학관 B037

- 세미나 제목 : Optical Fiber Based Refractive Index Sensors for Gas Sensing and CO2 Leakage Detection

- 발표초록 : 

    This presentation is on design, fabrication, and development of fiber optic based sensors. Different designs and aspects of fiber optic sensors will be discussed. One of the main goal for fiber optic sensor development is to use the sensor for long-term large-scale monitoring of CO2 storage site for any leakage. There are many challenges inherent to this sensing application, most notably: long transmission lengths; extreme physical and chemical condition; and the need for many widely-distributed measurements. To address these challenges and constraints, our approach is to develop fiber optic based sensing systems. The use of optical fiber leads to reliable sensing because optical fibers are not affected by electrical interference or harsh environment. Although there are established technologies that are currently used to monitor injection sites, gaps in the capabilities of these technologies limit their applicability to carbon management. The presented optical sensor approach will directly address these gaps and, thereby, enable to long-term large-scale monitoring of subsurface CO2. 

강연자(소속) : 전병국 교수 (Purdue University) 

초청자 : 전기전자공학과 교수 김형준