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[학부] 장학금 안내(Ihsuk Shin Fellows Program)
게시글 내용

Ihsuk Shin Fellows Program

(The University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering)

■ 장학금 지급 대상

(1) 연세대학교 졸업(예정)자 중 Penn Engineering의 Master’s degree(석사프로그램지원 예정자(2022/2023학년도)

(2) 전공 무관

참고 링크 : https://gradadm.seas.upenn.edu/masters/

※ MCIT 지원자는 제외


The scholarship is open to any student with an undergraduate degree from Yonsei University who applies for the 2022/2023 academic year to pursue a master’s degree.

* MCIT Online applicants are not eligible for the scholarship.


■ 장학금 내용 등록금 25000달러

(1) 1학기 등록금

(2) 3학점 이수

※ 석사 프로그램 졸업 요건 : 10학점 이수


The tuition assistance is $25,000 for the first year (cost of 3 Credit Units or 1 semester of tuition. 10 Credit Units is needed for a master’s degree).


■ 신청방법 :

링크를 통해 석사 프로그램 신청 https://gradadm.seas.upenn.edu/



Interested applicants please apply via https://gradadm.seas.upenn.edu/. The selected student will be called the Ihsuk Shin Fellow and receive $25K in tuition support in the first year of the master's program.

To apply for free, please contact Christina Burton (chburton@seas.upenn.edu) for a fee waiver code.


■ 마감 기한 석사 프로그램 지원 마감 기한인 2022학년도 2월 1일까지


The application deadline for the beginning of the 2022/2023 academic year is February 1, 2022.


문의 공과대학 국제담당자 choyejin@yonosei.ac.kr 또는 02-2123-2734

Ihsuk Shin Fellows Program(The University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering).hwp