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Research & Laboratory

세미나 [02/03] Coloration and cooling strategies for wearable device applications
게시글 내용

< BK21 플러스 BEST 정보기술 사업단 세미나 개최 안내 > 

개최일시 : 2020년 2월 3일 (월) 16:00 ~ 17:00

개최장소 : 제4공학관 D406호

세미나 제목 : Coloration and cooling strategies for wearable device applications

내용 : Passive cooling requires no electricity which provides oppotunities to solve problems associated with the global energy crisis. The key behind this is releasing heat directly to the outer space. In this point of view efficient radiative cooling is realized by using efficient selective emitters (SE) that radiate heat through the atmospheric transparency window. For daytime cooling, broadband solar reflectors are also required to minimize heat generation from the solar power.

Recent advances in passive radiative cooling enable daytime cooling via tailored photonic designs [1-4]. However, the use of these daytime radiative coolers is restricted owing to their non-aesthetic appearance resulted from strong solar reflection. Here, we introduce a colored passive radiative cooler (CPRC) capable of generating potential cooling power. This CPRC not only selectively emits infrared wave through the atmospheric transparency window but also displays subtractive primary colors (i.e., cyan, magenta, and yellow) to exhibit the desired appearance. Successful demonstration of cooling/coloring behavior with wearable electronic devices under solar irradiation represents a major step forward in the field of temperature-sensitive, flexible, wearable electronic/optoelectronic devices.


강연자 성함&직함 / 소속 : 송영민 교수 / GIST

초청자 : 전기전자공학과 교수 이태윤