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Research & Laboratory

[BK21] 초청세미나 [9/28] Recent Progress in Modeling of Metasurface Apertures using the Coupled Dipolar Framework
게시글 내용

Y-BASE System Semiconductor 그룹 최우영 교수님께서 아래와 같이 초청 세미나를 개최하오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

◎ 일시: 2022년 9월 28일(수) 오전 11시 ~ 12시

◎ 장소: 연세대학교 제3공학관 C029호

◎ 제목: Recent Progress in Modeling of Metasurface Apertures using the Coupled Dipolar Framework

◎ 연사: 유인상 박사 / Duke Univesrity

◎ 초청: 전기전자공학과 최우영 교수

◎ Abstract :

For the last decade, metamaterials have rapidly transitioned from fundamental science to commercial technology, with waveguide-fed metasurfaces being a key development. Waveguide-fed metasurfaces are a new class of aperture antennas that combine the benefits of a traveling wave antenna with resonant metamaterial elements, thereby providing cost-effective array-like solutions for various applications such as computational imaging, wireless communications, radar, and wireless power transfer systems. Accordingly, analytical modeling of waveguide-backed metasurfaces has been the subject of active research interest for designing and optimizing metasurface antennas for applications at hand. In this talk, I will present a brief review of the dipolar modeling approach and how the approach has been tailored to allow the analytical description of metasurface apertures, thereby unlocking the potential for improved designs. This talk will also cover contemporary challenges with the design of metasurfaces for next-generation wireless systems and recent advances in developing the metasurfaces’ models to overcome these challenges.