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Research & Laboratory

[BK21] 초청세미나 [8/3] Endowing self-driving vehicles the capacity to anticipate potential hazards...
게시글 내용

아래와 같이 초청 세미나를 개최하오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

◎ 일시: 2022년 8월 3일(수) 오전 11시

◎ 장소: 제3공학관 C716호

◎ 강연자: Ignacio Parra Alonso/Universidad de Alcalá

◎ 제목: Endowing self-driving vehicles the capacity to anticipate potential hazards in their interactions with vulnerable road users and other human-driven vehicles.

◎ 초청자: 전기전자공학과 김은태 교수

◎ 초록: 

 In the last decade, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have spread within the automotive industry, supporting the driver on various of the driving tasks like adaptive cruise control, automatic emergency braking or lane keeping assist. However, for higher automation levels, these systems require further developments to close the gap between the AV’s style of driving and the way we humans drive. In this seminar we will talk about the work at the Intelligent Transportation Systems and Intelligent Vehicles lab (INVETT) on predictive approaches that try yo create a more human-like way of driving for AV’s.